ARRA Articles module support three types of content (extensions): Joomla! content, K2 content and EasyBlog content. If you don’t have installed K2 and/or EasyBlog extensions, then selecting them in the drop down, a red warning message will let you know the URL to download that extension.
Let’s start with Joomla! type module, everyone should have articles through Joomla! content.
We can select articles we want to show in module in three ways (will be the same for K2 Items or EasyBlog ones):
Chosing Articles/Items ID’s option, mean that we can imput some articles ID’s, that articles will be shown in module. The order that ID’s number are added will be also the order we will them in module. You don’t have to know those ID’s, just click on “Click to select Articles/Items ID’s” and article list will open in graybox mode, just filter articles and click the one you want, automated will be added in the box, continue with the next one and so on.
Chosing Select Category, a box with all categories will be shown, just click on the category source you want and you are done.
Don’t forget to click to set options, you can select how many articles to show from that category, you can select articles order (ascendent, descendent, by hits or random) and article status.
Another option is to select to show in module Featured articles. Joomla! and K2 have the “Featured” option avalilable when you create an article. Like usual, you can select how many articles to be shown and ordering.