Using ARRA User Migrate, you can easily import users from a Joomla! 2.5 site or from any other site (non Joomla! one) into your Joomla! 3.X site. You can either export them using our component or other methods where output is a .CSV or .txt file containing your users.
IMPORTANT NOTE: please, before proceed with the file import, set “semicolon” as Field separator! this will avoid a lot of issues if you data contain comma somewhere in the recorded data.
Using ARRA User Migrate you can import any .txt or .CSV file into Joomla!, you only need to pay attention to the file headers (name, username, email, …..). And this is very simple, in the “Import” tab, we have prepared some samples that you can download, example.txt and example.csv files. Just download then and see how your file must look like.
There is also a quick .CSV import tab where you can upload any .csv file exported from another platform.
Main user import features are:
1. Import CSV/TXT file format – a very simple way to import Joomla! users, you have a sample file that you can download and see the file structure. Users don’t need to be from a Joomla! site, it can be from any site from were you can download a .txt or .CSV file and just arrange data inside like in the downloaded sample.
If you are a MAC user please read how to create a CSV file on MAC.
2. Import SQL/ZIP – you should be aware that this feature is only available when you move users from-to the same Joomla! version so use this option if you have a file from a Joomla! 3.x site only. This is because truncate function will empty user related tables and imported SQL must contain the same structure data.
3. Quick CSV Import – you will be able to quick import users from a .CSV file. Read how ARRA User Migrate works with .csv import.
On the right side are a lot of option, default ones are most used but you can set them as you want. Pay attention to “Field Separator” option, file you want to import must have the same separator. The best is to use semicolon one as the comma can be contained in some names and this can break the import.
You can also email login data to all imported users, but: Warning! Before you set the option to send emails please check the email limit with your hosting company, most of the providers limit the amount of emails that can be sent hourly/daily/monthly.